巴德美际学校(BIAC) 2019年招生简章

来源:成都巴德美际学校 时间:05-14


Bard International Academy · Chengdu (BIAC) is the first international bilingual primary, middle and high school authorized by Bard College which is one of the most prestigious liberal arts colleges in the United States. The school is located in the Nordic City, along the Beixin Road, Xindu District, Chengdu City, next to Nobel Park, covering an area of approximately 53333 square meters, with a construction campus area of about 26,000 square meters.


The program at BIAC, integrates both the Chinese education standards and an international curriculum throughout the early years, primary school, middle school and high school programs. BIAC adopts bilingual teaching in Chinese and English. BIAC also providing additional language learning options for students who are interested to learn a third language.The teaching team has an average teaching experience of 10 years or more, with a teacher-student ratio of 6:1 and a ratio of 1:1 between Chinese and foreign teachers. The first term begins in fall 2019.



Bard College, founded in 1860.The Princeton Review ranked Bard College No. 1 for Best Classroom Experience and Best Overall College Experience; Bard is ranked 9th by Forbes as the Nation's Highest Return on Investment; 4 Nobel Prize winners for literature and 5 MacArthur Fellows Program .





招生计划 / Enrollment Plan 



Our school plans to recruit students from primary school, middle school and high school, with no more than 22 students per class.




招生对象 / Enrollment Candidate 



Students who are of Chinese Nationality \ from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan \ foreignstudents aged 5-18 years old, with good mental and physical health, a minimum command of English.




录取方式 / Admission Method



The school holds its own interviews.




K3-G12: Take the MAP test, both Chinese and mathematics tests which were written in Chinese and psychological entrance test, as well as to be interviewed by the interviewer.



奖学金政策 / Scholarship Policy




Based on a recommendation letter, on-site interview, MAP test and other comprehensive factors, divided into three levels: the first year’s fees are deduced by 20%, or 50% or 100%. 




申请流程/Application Process



Submit the application materials to the Admission Department review -- Admission Interview and Test -- Email the Admission Result -- Submit the Student Physical Examination Report -- Receive the Admission Notice -- Apply for admission.






招生办地址:四川省成都市新都区斑竹园镇中利路168号 【巴德美际学校】


Address of Admission Office:

Bard International Academy, No. 168 Zhongli Road, Banzhuyuan Town, Xindu District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.