
来源:美国法拉古特学校东莞校区 时间:04-26



The Admiral Farragut Academy Dongguan counselor team has many years of experience in applying to top-ranking universities worldwide, providing comprehensive study abroad planning and career guidance services for all students. This school has long-term exchanges and co-operation with the US Embassy in China, the admissions officers of universities in various countries and has an accurate grasp of the trend of studying abroad.

Based on different grades, different student characteristics, combined with psychological and career evaluation results, the school provides students with a series of lectures, such as study abroad planning, career guidance, university admission guidance, to properly personalized student consultation to help students plan their exams. Exploring students’ uniqueness ,interests, choosing targeted courses and participating in social practice projects, allows students to create a distinctive and competitive application in all regards.

1. 美国驻华大使馆合作方 US Embassy in China


Our school is the Dongguan area host for the spring and Autumn University Exhibition held by the Cultural Office of the US Embassy in China. Simultaneously, the school invites outstanding alumni, the parents of alumni educational experts to share their valuable study experience with students.

2. 1对1陪伴式跟踪指导 1-to-1 companion tracking guidance


For each student, the counselor conducts a one-to-one assessment prior to progression in school, and comprehensively records student development in the areas of student learning, school performance, club activities, and teacher evaluation.

3. 阶段性成长报告 Staged growth report


The counselor will provide students with hierarchical, face-to-face and targeted communication every semester, plan and guide students’ current situation and holiday arrangements, and produce a staged growth report for students and parents after the end of each semester.

4. 课外活动专业指导 Professional guidance for extracurricular activities


According to each student’s situation, the counselor will guide and advise students on how to choose and participate in extracurricular activities, and how to assemble application materials for studying abroad.

5. RoadMap升学路线 Roadmap progression route


Through brainstorming and other divergent thinking methods, the counselor deeply explores the potential of students, understands the potential points of interest of students, and works with students to write their “Roadmap” progression route.

6. 择校指导与文书润色 Choosing school guidance and document retouching


The counselor provides students with a selection of overseas universities, and on the basis of the existing documents of the students, it provides a one-to-one processing and retouching service to create a personalized application for study abroad.

7. 留学申请流程指导 Study application process guidance


The counselor clarifies the path for students to enter university and assists students in every step of their application.

8. 签证申请指导及培训 Visa application guidance and training


The study plan tutor guides students to prepare visa applications and assists with visa interview.

9. 出国行前指导 Guidance before going abroad


Before students leave, they are guided by the counselor, and after going abroad, they are supported by the Farragut Overseas Alumni Association.