
来源:上师大附二外国际部 时间:05-15













On the afternoon of 20 Jan, 2021, all International Teachers of SFLS gathered together to review and summarize the work of this past semester in the first floor.

Principal Li, assisted by Leo Wang and Angel Yu gave the international staff information, which was broken up into three main areas; accomplishments of the past semester, educational philosophy, and plans for the future.

This past semester, there have been many achievements and accomplishments in the different divisions, from the Bilingual Reading program and Spelling Bee in the Primary School, to the Stem Club, Spelling Bee and Chinese Traditional programs in the Middle School, to the Learning Community in the High School, to mention only a few. Some whole school events included the demo classes, where departments were encouraged to visit each other’s classes, while the school leadership diligently did the rounds, visiting most of the classes. There were occasions when we were privileged to have outside guests attending and evaluating the classes. Another big event was the 20th Anniversary Celebrations of SFLS, with speeches and performances from all departments, as well as a commemorative school magazine, with comment from all departments and subject areas. While the Educational Research Institute continues to plan improvements to the curriculum, the school was able to honor a number of teachers for their excellence in teaching.

In SFLS, the concept of educational philosophy, just as powerful as a rocket ready to set forth, is broken down as follows: 5 values, 4 characteristics, 3 graduation standards, 2 courses – compulsory and school-based subjects, and finally 1 core educational concept. Each teacher needs to ask himself or herself this question: What have students gained, and how have they benefited from my teaching? This inner reflection lies at the core of combining the values, characteristics, graduation standards and courses to culminate in what education is really about – bringing about positive change in the lives of students. The school stands by its motto of: diligence, thrift, trust and respect; values that each person employed on the campus should adopt.

And what of the future? The school is proposing a number of additional staff benefits in terms of salary increases, and great benefits for teachers who enroll their children in the school. Some incentive programs were also introduced to inspire the teachers to work harder and to become more actively involved in the school. The school has set a target of 1300 students, and has a campus that is ready to receive them. Despite the past achievements, the school will continue to focus on improving the quality of teaching and also improving the whole school operations. The school will also be introducing an advisor system, to strengthen the relationship between teachers and students. Finally, the school looks forward to the international teachers and Chinese teachers cooperating more effectively, which will lead to mutual development. The school expects its teachers to be lifelong learners, as this is the only way to remain effective in our rapidly developing world.

In closing remarks, Principal Li expressed she would be able to show more sufficient care towards the International Teachers from now on and stressed the concept of us all being one family, and hoped that we would work together as a family. She welcomed any suggestions from the teachers, and while wishing all a happy New Year and a restful holiday, she looks forward to the upcoming semester where we can all work together to help the students achieve their dreams.




历时一个半小时,“上师二外” 2020学年度学期总结大会圆满落幕。2020年,是全体“上师二外人”付出努力、倾注心血又收获成长的一年;2021年,“上师二外人”将以更加坚定的步伐,凝聚一心、不忘初心,全心全意为学生服务,在不懈的努力奋斗中再创辉煌!

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