BSRPS丨北京市私立树人瑞贝学校的故事:品智达优 Shuren Stories: Holistic Growth

来源:北京市私立树人瑞贝学校 时间:04-26


Education at Shuren-Ribet isn’t just about academics and top test scores. While these are still important, our mission is to provide a stimulating environment for both intellectual and personal growth for our students!


We aim to help our learners become confident and effective communicators, conscientious global citizens, well-balanced and self-disciplined individuals, creative and analytical thinkers.


“Holistic Growth for Global Success” that we have at the entrance of our school isn’t just a slogan. These four words describe the future of education.


Some people believe that alongside sciences and mathematics art, music, and drama have very bright future; and success will come to those who have a wide range of interdisciplinary skills. A lawyer learning coding? A doctor writing a novel? A science teacher who is also a talented in-demand photographer? Very possible!



The idea of holistic growth is manifested not only in growth for our students, but also teachers.

我们一起认识一下Dominic Garcia老师吧!许多同学都认识Garcia老师,知道他是树人的一名英语老师,但大家知道他是一位天赋异禀的音乐家吗?

Meet Dominic Garcia! Many students know Mr. Garcia is an English teacher at our school, but didyou know that he’s also a talented musician?



This year, he hosts a classical guitar club for the students of upper-primary, middle school and high school. Students enjoy attending the club very much and learn music and English at the same time!


He shares with us his story of falling in love with music, experiences about the difficulties children face learning to play musical instruments, as well as useful tips for parents.


Mr. Garcia studied music at the University of North Texas. His guitar program in the U.S. grew to be the biggest program in Dallas; his students in the U.S. won many solo and ensemble awards across state.


Growing up, he was always interested in music. In high school, he met his best friends who both played guitar and inspired him to learn.



Why classical guitar?


In my opinion the guitar is the most expressive instrument there it is. Beethoven famously said, “That the guitar is like a mini orchestra”, in other words, every type of sound produced by the different instruments of the orchestra can be produced on the guitar. From the aggressive sound of the brass section to the dolce sound of the string section to even the sound of percussion section, the classical guitar can do it all.



Even though he began playing in high school, he believes the perfect age to start learning the guitar is 4th and 5th grade. “At this point in time the fine motor skills have developed enough to play the instrument expressively”, he says.

正如许多青少年一样,Garcia老师年轻时也喜欢听重金属音乐,他最喜欢的音乐家是Metallica 乐队的James Hetfield。他说大多数人都不会觉得重金属和古典乐有相似性,但是他们的弹奏技法都是相同的!

As many young people of the time, Mr. Garcia listened to heavy metal and back then his favorite musician was James Hetfield of Metallica. He says that most people would never assume how similar heavy metal and classical music are, but they are both the study of technique!



Having the patience to master the technique is one of the two biggest challenges he outlines for children aspiring to learn to play a musical instrument.




“Whether you’re learning to play the guitar, the piano, or the violin, the two biggest challenges are always the same:

The initially learning curve; whenever someone begins to learn an instrument there is a great deal of discovery, but once things begin to become more complex, people tend to give up.

Enthusiasm; I’ve found that students begin to lose interest when they only focus on what is taught in their lessons.”


Mr. Garcia adds that the only way to overcome these challenges is to preserve enthusiasm. “Always go to the music that inspires you, if you devote some time to playing the music that you love, you will always overcome these challenges.”





He adds three tips for parents and children:

Allow your children the freedom to play the music that inspires them!

No matter what instrument your child plays, the first thing you should listen for is their tone. If their tone sounds like it needs improvement, tell them to slow down and focus on the sound.

Play expressively. Music is an art form, the goal is to communicate what words cannot.

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