
来源:上海高藤致远创新学校 时间:04-24

以终为始(二)别让你的努力跑偏了方向Begin With The End In Mind II

本周的升旗仪式继续推行“以终为始”,来自十年级的小主持人沈嵘杰和沈咪,为我们总结了以终为始需要做到以下三件事:This week's theme continued the practice of "beginning with the end in mind". Jay and Cherry from Grade 10 summed up the following three things we need to do to Begin With The End In Mind:

明确目标First: Identify your goals我的理想大学是什么?我以后想学什么专业?确定你的目标,然后坚定的追寻目标。这样也会节约资源使用。用以终为始的思维确定重点 ,采取对策措施,制定的行动方案都是经过全面研究分析的,是正确的选择。资源配置是围绕科学选择的策略方案进行的,不会因为方案策略错误而去浪费资源,从而可以达到节约资源使用的效果。What is my ideal university? What major do I want to study in the future? Determine your goals, and then pursue them firmly. It is the right choice to determine the key points with the “begin with the end in mind” thinking, take countermeasures, and formulate action plans after comprehensive research and analysis. Resource allocation is carried out around scientifically selected strategic plans, and resources will not be wasted due to mistakes in plan strategies, so that the effect of saving resources can be achieved.

第二 坚守原则Second: Stick to your principles在通往明确目标的道路上,不被他人和情绪所影响,坚守自己的原则,这样我们才能离目标越来越近。On the path to your goal, do not be affected by other’s emotions, stick to your own principles, In this way you can get closer and closer to your goal.

第三 制定计划Third: Make a plan兵马未动,粮草先行。树立好目标后,要提前做好统筹计划,考虑可能出现的问题和困难,将过程变成一项项可执行的计划,按照计划出发,那么成功还会离我们远吗?以终为始就是以目标为灯塔,坚持做事原则,制订有序的计划,在航向上就不会迷失,终点就会在预定的地方出现。After setting up your goal, make an overall plan in advance, consider the possible problems and difficulties you might come across, make an executable plan that’s going to led you to your goal, and proceed according to the plan. To begin with the end in mind is to take the goal as the beacon, formulate an orderly plan. You will not get lost on your path, and your goal will be achieved at the end.

紧接着学生处张老师对我们上周积极主动、以及有进步的学生进行了表彰,本周的名单快要写不下了,进步的孩子太多了,老师真的倍感欣慰呀!张老师也对“以终为始”做了分享,跟我们讲了拜登的小故事:56年前,在拜登21岁的时候就立志成为美国总统,此后他曾两次参选美国总统,但没有成功获得党内提名。一直到56年后的今天,拜登当选为第46任总统。Then Ms. Zhang from the Student Affairs Office praised the students who took the initiative and made progress last week. There were so many students who made progress. Zhang also shared the idea of "Begin with the end in mind" and told us a story about Joe Biden. 56 years ago, at the age of 21, Joe Biden decided to become president of the United States. Since then, he has run for president twice, but failed to win the nomination of his party. 56years later today, he finally won the election and became the President of the United States.

生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方,真正的幸福是每天朝着自己的目标不断努力,用你的梦想引领你的一生,设立目标,然后为之付诸努力,这是人生最有意义的事情。希望同学们都可以做到“以终为始”为原则,脚踏实地,向着梦想不断努力!Life is not just about survival, but also about dreams. When you really work hard towards your dream everyday can you get the true happiniess. This is the most meaningful thing in life. We hope all the students can practice the principle of "Begin With The End In Mind", down-to-earth, and continue to work towards their dreams!